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About Me


BS of Computer Science: Game Design
University of California, Santa Cruz
June 2021

AS of Computer Science
Orange Coast College
June 2018

Certificate of Specialization: C++
June 2018

Languages // Software

C and C++

Unreal Engine
Marvelous Designer


UCSC Technical Innovation Award - Genesis Zero

UCSC Dean's Honors

Let me introduce myself...

Hi! My name is Kyle Fegan and I'm a game designer.

I have always been captivated by games and their creation. Growing up, every board game had a second rule book — often scribbled on notebook paper and dreamt up the moment I saw the game pieces. Throughout my life I have designed and created board games, card games, playground games, social games, dice games, game mods, and video games. It is a passion that never sleeps.

Games exist in an interstitial space between creative disciplines. Music, Film, Story, Engineering, Sculpture, Painting, Animation, Graphic Design… Never has there been a better opportunity to work and live within a world as creatively large and diverse as that of game development. For a creative, games provide a new, ever-expanding frontier — traditional mediums and cutting edge technologies collide to provide an endless world of possibility. The very best creative minds and technologies exist within the games industry and it is my privilege to work alongside them.

I have spent the past decade building my diverse skill set and prowess as a game developer. I am a designer, computer scientist, artist, and writer. I have a ravenous appetite for learning — not just games, but all facets of entertainment, science, and culture. If games are a metaphor for life, then crafting the best games requires insights drawn from outside gaming and its immediate influences. Diversity is key; diversity of ideas, inspirations, and experiences. I believe that in order to be the best designer I possibly can, it is important to understand the world around me to the fullest extent possible.

But to build truly great games is a feat that is impossible to accomplish alone. I am at my best when surrounded by talented individuals who are driven by my same passions. Diversity in my skills enables me to better empathize and communicate with individuals of many backgrounds and specialties. In building up myself and my talents, I am enabled to create a better game experience for the players and my fellow developers.
C L I C K   H E R E   F O R   P R I N T A B L E   V E R S I O N
L I N K E D I N   P R O F I L E
(949) 300-9229